Hospital scribe jobs
Hospital scribe jobs

I still tear up, especially when a daddy cries. I'm bringing new little people into the world. I'm just happy to come here and know that I'm helping people like me. I try to give them time because I don't want them to feel rushed. I know when they have speech difficulties, I can see the wheels turning and see them trying to mouth the words. My patients that I work with, I understand what they're going through. I'm an RN here at the transitional rehab program in Golden Valley.

hospital scribe jobs

He's like, what if you came and worked here? I'm like, I never even thought of that. And then I started meeting with John the chaplain. So I was trying to decide what I wanted to do after this because I knew I had to go back to work. And I knew what I wanted to write, I couldn't make my hand write it. I remember I was doing my speech therapy homework. And then after the surgeries, I did outpatient therapy at the Courage Kenny in Cambridge. And then that's when they found a brain tumor, a central neurocytoma. And I started feeling symptoms like daily headaches and blurry vision. My patients that I work with, I know what they're going through because I experienced it myself. And I feel like it just has helped me be a better nurse. I was a nurse for five years before I had my brain tumor. But they also care so well for each other. I think that's a really unique and maybe a special thing about working in health care is you're working with people who are compassionate. And they were able to listen and support me and push me when I needed a little push. Coming back, they cared for me as I cared for patients. But my work family really stepped up and were a great support system for me, not only during that time, but my daughter did pass away. We went through 14 months of everything that goes with cancer.

hospital scribe jobs

So that was a really tough period of time. My daughter, Malia, who was eight years old at the time was diagnosed with cancer. And I was really blessed to be working here at time in my life where we had something pretty significant happen. But we work in these smaller communities. And then I am also supporting the staff that work in the clinic all the time. I get to support new staff when they start at the clinic, make sure they're getting everything they need. I actually don't think this role exists in a lot of other clinic settings. And I have a really unique role within a Allina.

Hospital scribe jobs