Circle infographic with lines
Circle infographic with lines

The government has to put in the roads, the pipes, the cables, the airports, bridges and somehow tackle pollution and urban sprawl. How do you reduce that massive sunk cost? Because that's a central cost that any government has to pay. The expensive thing about starting a city is infrastructure. The goal is to ensure people are only ever five minutes away from everything they want in the world because all will be directly below or above you. This is not just stacking everything on top of each other, we are reinventing things that exist in a conventional horizontal realm for a vertical close-proximity landscape. It will also be the first city in the world to be completely run by renewable energy – with a zero-carbon footprint. You can just go directly across at whatever height to the stadium. So if you're in module 40 and you need to go to the football match in module 44, you don't have to go down to go across to go up. As a resident or visitor, you’ll have the ability to travel easily between modules horizontally. This has never been attempted before, we're taking an entire city and putting it on a footprint that's 200 meters wide. This will be the very first vertical city with mobility built into its very core.

circle infographic with lines circle infographic with lines

Nearly nine million people will live on THE LINE when complete, most of the population of NEOM in fact. It is the epicenter for all activities – the primary home for residents, as a vertical city with all the activities that will be there – from opera houses and libraries to stadiums and universities.

Circle infographic with lines